Zavikon serves any individual who is seeking career employment who has a visible or invisible disability. We have programs set up for Blind/visually impaired, Deaf/hard of hearing, and neurodivergent to name a few.
We focus on the individual’s talents and skills and place employees in all types of careers including finance, technology, clerical, creative and more.
Once an individual is placed, our professional career coaches work with the employee, their new co-workers, and hiring manager to ensure everyone is set up for long term success.
At Zavikon, we don’t just accept difference,
we celebrate it.
For Candidates
Zavikon provides the following services to candidates as they navigate their job search, secure employment, acclimate to their new job and ultimately achieve independence in a meaningful career:​
Job readiness assessments
Job readiness training
Training recommendations
Resume preparation
Interview preparation and coaching
Interview support
Job placement
Career coaching
Job accommodations identification
Supports assessment
Candidate advocacy
Ongoing career advisement
For Employers
Zavikon facilitates the creation of an inclusive working environment and sets both employer and employee up for long term success with the following services:
Workplace disability and neurodiversity inclusion assessments
Disability and neurodiversity inclusion education and training
Candidate recruiting and placement
Career coaching
Interviewer preparation and support
Hiring manager education and preparation
Job accommodations and supports assessment
Employer guidance throughout the hiring and acclimation process
Enterprise Career Coach placement
Zavikon offers supported placement services to ensure long term success for both the employee and employer:
On-demand Career Coach support
Accommodations assessment and realignment
Interviewer training and support
1:1 Manager coaching
Co-worker support and education
Corporate advisory services
Zavikon offers advisory services to educate your teams in understanding and accepting individuals with differences. Enterprise education is the key to succeed in truly being a diverse and inclusive employer:
Lunch and Learns
Manager 1:1 coaching
Co-worker training sessions
Enterprise seminars and corporate training
Enterprise Resource Group formation
Diversity & Inclusion Training
Awareness & Sensitivity Training